Find tender opportunities

Our tender opportunities are published on the East Midlands Tenders Portal. On this portal, you can:

  • search for tender opportunities
  • receive notification of new opportunities
  • request and clarify tender information
  • access historic contracts
  • find dates for supplier events
  • submit responses to opportunities

You must register with us on East Midlands Tenders Portal if you wish to provide a quote on a contract:

Register with us

How to complete a tender

We have some video guides to help you through common features of completing a tender. These include:

  • an introduction to the invitation to tender
  • an invitation to tender
  • the specification
  • your business information
  • proposed working methods
  • pricing models and evaluations

Existing contracts

To find out when a contract is due for renewal or will expire, view the contracts register.

Contract data is subject to change and we will update it.

Future contracts

As part of our transparency and open data standards we publish a procurement pipeline to assist suppliers in planning and preparing for forthcoming procurements.

The pipeline contains details of contracts expected to be re-procured and new procurement projects that are anticipated to be undertaken within the next 18+ months. The information on the pipeline may be subject to change and as such we cannot guarantee that all the planned procurements will proceed on the basis stated.

The pipeline is reviewed and updated every six months.

Contact Procurement Lincolnshire