January 2021 Minutes

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Councillors: M Williams, (Chair) J Needham (Vice Chair), R Brown, C Walker, C Marrs, S Huskisson, K Truss, R Ayling, and R Wilson. 

Councillor Patricia Bradwell, LCC
Councillor Craig Leyland, ELDC
Joann Greer, Parish Clerk.  


Election of the Chairman of the Parish Council until May 2021

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to elect Councillor Marcus Williams as the Chair of the Parish Council.


Election of the Vice Chairman if necessary, pending the outcome of agenda item 1

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to elect Councillor John Needham as the Vice Chair of the Parish Council.

FC/3/1/21 Apologies for absence with reason given

Councillor David Clarke’s apologies were noted and accepted.

ELDC Councillor Thomas Kemp also sent apologies.


Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)

No declarations were made. 


To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable 
pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote).

No requests were made. 


To consider applicants for the Councillor vacancy and fill the position by co-option

A brief introduction was emailed to Councillors prior to the meeting with details of an interested candidate. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to co-opt Len Moscrop. 


Notes of meetings to be approved as the minutes

a.   Full Council Meeting 15th December 2020 

It was proposed, seconded, and resolved to accept the notes as the minutes. 


To receive the draft notes from committees

a)   The Planning Committee held on 12th January 2021

There were no questions raised from the Planning Committee notes

b)   The Facilities Committee held on 13th January 2021 

There were no questions raised from the Facilities Committee notes


To receive reports from District and County Councillors 

County Councillor Patricia Bradwell informed the Council the Highways department were out monitoring and dealing will flooded roads.

She also requested that Councillors report any minor repairs that the LCC maintenance gang could incorporate on their works list for the village.

Councillor Bradwell also informed the Council that an ANPR monitored parking enforcement could not be permitted at the Royal Square and Broadway car parks due to their legal status, i.e., not on private land.  

District Councillor Leyland informed the Council the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum were preparing for the worst-case scenario regarding the flooding warnings around the river Witham and are on full alert. 

Coronavirus vaccination programme is a priority at the moment. Factories, care homes and Boston prison have been responsible for the elevated cases reported locally.

The Louth and Spilsby vaccination sites are going well despite rural challenges.


To consider the report from the Facilities Committee regarding the car parks listed in the asset transfer and a possible charging format

In light of the information regarding a APNR enforcement provision this would not be an option for the Parish Council. The Facilities Committee are to do some further investigation into possible charging opportunities and provide a report for Full Council in February.


To resolve whether to include the car parks in the asset transfer 

This item was defere4d until the February Full Council meeting pending the information to be presented by the Facilities Committee.


Financial Matters 

a)   To approve automated payments and future payments to be made

Person/Company to be paid

Invoice No.




J Greer HMRC LCC Pen


Staffing Costs


OPUS Energy


Office Gas


R.G. Hygiene


Office Cleaning


British Gas


ATM Electricity


The Goodlife Gardener


St Andrews & Chapmans Corner


Jubilee Park


Sand for gritting


It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolve to approve the payments listed.

b)   To receive the bank reconciliation

The bank reconciliation was not noted. 


To note the emergency pre lockdown removal of the village Christmas Trees and consider leaving the disconnected festoon lights in place at Royal Square

The trees were very quickly dismantled and removed from site with the help of the fire service and volunteers before the new national lockdown restrictions were legal requirements.

It was agreed to leave the festoon lights in place at Royal Square. The electrician will ensure they are secure.


To appoint additional Councillors to:

a)   The Planning Committee

b)   The Facilities Committee

To ensure committee meetings can proceed with a quorum additional members were required at both committees. The Chair suggested interested parties should contact the Clerk and register their interests. Councillor Brown stated he would like to join the Facilities Committee. 


To consider the recommendation from the Facilities Committee regarding updating the web site and email system with 2communeand resolve a budget

Detailed information including pricing options were previously circulated prior to the meeting. Councillor Brown provided further information and answered question from the Council.

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to opt for the Classic Style web site and 15 email addresses with an agreed maximum budget of £2000.


To provide a village works list for the LCC maintenance gang

Councillors were asked to provide a list to the Clerk before the end of the week.


The 1940’s Committee request the views of the Parish Council regarding the festival taking place in mid July 2021

The Council discussed the possibility of the event taking place this year and as much as they would like to see the village bounce back to life with a vibrant event it was felt it was probably too soon, uncertainty of the progress of the vaccination programme and current circumstances led the Council to encourage the 1940’s Committee to organize a fabulous festival in 2022.


NHDP progress report – recruitment of community volunteers

The NHDP are due to meet in February. As part of the agreed assignments, The Parish Council are to increase volunteer numbers. 2 members of the public have registered an interest, Councillors Walker and Marrs also requested to be included in the process. The Clerk is to contact St Hugh’s and St Andrew’s school to establish if they would like to be involved.  


To receive general correspondences and resolve action if required

None were received.


To set the date and time of the next meeting as the third Tuesday in the month at 7.00pm as per the pre booked recurring ZOOM schedule

It was agreed Full Council Meetings will be scheduled for the third Tuesday of the month using the recurring ZOOM schedule meeting sign in detail. It was noted dates may need to be changed pending any urgent business or extraordinary meetings.