January 2023 Minutes

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Public Forum

One member of the public was present.

In Attendance

Councillors R Brown Chairman, R Shaw, J Sanderson, R Etches, A Gammage and M Cooke  

Also present: 

LCC Councillor P Bradwell, ELDC Councillor C Leyland & Councillor T Kemp

Joann Greer, Clerk

Public Forum

David Kisubika introduced himself as an applicant for consideration as a co-opted Parish Councillor. Councillors also has the opportunity to ask questions.

FC/1/1/23 Comments from the Chairman

Councillor Brown did not make any comments.

FC/2/1/23 Apologies for absence with reason given 

Apologies were noted and accepted from Councillor Wilson.

FC/3/1/23 Declaration of Members’ interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

(Disclosure by all members present of disclosable pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda that have not already been declared on their Declarations of Interests form or put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey District Council)

No declarations were made.

FC/4/12/22 To consider requests from members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda (In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council has the authority to grant any members present a dispensation on their disclosable pecuniary interest so that they may take place in the debate and vote)

No dispensation requests were made.

FC/5/1/23 To receive the draft notes to be approved as the minutes, Full Council Meeting Tuesday 20 December 2022

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to accept the notes as a true record of the meeting.

FC/6/1/23 To receive a report from Lincolnshire County Council & East Lindsey District Council  

LCC Councillor Bradwell informed the Council that major roadworks are due at Martin which will mean the access in and out of the village from Kirkstead Bridge will be closed for up to 5 months from May to September. Questions were raised about bus services during that time and also consideration for the 1940’s weekend and any other events likely to happen during the proposed road closure times. 

She also stated patching works are to be done around Spa Road and other identified areas, she asked if there are any other areas that may need attention that she is not aware of.

Councillor Bradwell stated she would keep the Council updated regarding the road closure and bus routes as soon as meetings had been held. 

ELDC Councillor Leyland provided an update regarding a clean up team operating in the county and to inform him of any hotspots within the parish that could benefit. There is also an environmental team tackling litter and fly tipping issues along with other issues effecting the environment.

He also stated the introduction of the purple lidded bin for paper and cardboard was really taking off with a positive impact on the amount of waste which can be recycled.

Councillor Kemp informed the Council about the move of ELDC offices from Manby to the HUB at Horncastle which offers office space and space for Boston College.

FC/7/1/23 Financial Matters 

a)   To approve automated, retrospective, and future payments to be made

Person/Company to be paid

Invoice No.




British Gas


ATM (November)


British Gas








R.G Hygiene


Contract Cleaning


Welton Garden Services


Closed Churchyard/Cemetery Maintenance/ Fuel surcharge




Hardware items


J Parker Electrical Ltd


Installation of four speed cameras


Payroo Star


Payroll provider


Tony Gibbons


Refilling hand sanitisers/grave marking/Christmas trees/ speed signs


Joanne Greer


Cleaning products


Opus Energy


Office gas supply

£63.15 (credit)

S Long Gardening


Closed Churchyard and Chapman’s Corner


P McFahn


Office window cleaning




Station Road Electricity


British Gas




Greer. Handley. HMRC Pension


Salary costs


It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to approve the payment list.

b)   To note the bank reconciliation

Bank reconciliation as of 31.12.2022 of £136,259.28 was noted.   

c)   To consider the second draft budget 2023-24

The tax base was reflected against the draft budget which had been previously considered. Due to the fact WSPC will soon be accepting Royal Square, Millennium Gardens and the Rally Field as part of the Asset Transfer from ELDC the figures clearly showed the precept would need to be increased to manage these additional assets.  

d)   To set the precept 2023-24

The Council considered the increased 9% and 15% figures based on the number of band D properties. After consideration it was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to set the precept at £82915.00. 

FC/8/1/23 To receive reports from Councillors regarding Kirkby Lane Cemetery matters and agree a way forward 

Councillor Etches reported back from his negotiations with the Westerley Care home, who confirmed they are amenable to transfer the Exclusive Rights of Burial for the plots still held by them for the sum of £9000.00

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to accept the conditions. The Clerk is to arrange the paperwork.   

Councillor Shaw is to progress the options for drainage at the third section of the Kirkby Lane Cemetery which would have a positive impact on grave space availability.

FC/9/1/23 To receive an update on the progress and options for the Neighbourhood Development Plan and agree a plan of action

Councillor Cooke gave a brief update regarding the NHDP. All Councillors present had recently attended a presentation regarding the current status of the NHDP. As further information gathering is required Councillor Cooke stated it was too early to agree a plan of action until all the information is received. 

The Council agreed to wait until all the information has been collated from other organisations before they commit.

FC/10/1/23 To consider applicants for co-option on the parish council, resolution to accept 

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to co-opt David Kisubika onto the Council.

FC/11/1/23 To set the date and time of the Annual Parish Meeting 2023

The Annual Parish Meeting was set for Friday 14th April 2023 at 6.30pm at Coronation Hall. 

FC/12/1/23 To set the date and time of the Annual Parish Council meeting 2023

Due to elections and the Kings Coronation the Annual Parish Council Meeting must be held within 14 days of 9th May.

Therefore, the APCM was set for Tuesday 16th May 2023 at 7.15pm at the council offices.

FC/13/1/23 To set the date and time of the next Full Council meeting

The next Full Council meeting was set as Tuesday 21st February 2023.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.55pm.