Become a Young Inspector

Young inspectors advise organisations on how to make their services more accessible to young people.

You must be aged 11 to 19 years, or up to 25 if you have a disability or are a care leaver.

There are meetings every month across the county with inspections during the school holidays.


Before each inspection, we will meet with you to talk about the service we are inspecting. The types of inspection include:

  • mystery shopping
  • observations
  • questionnaires
  • focus groups

You will go out in teams of two or three for each visit. One of our young inspectors workers will go with you for support.

During the inspection, you will talk to and share information with staff, families and children. You must also take photos and make clear notes.

Transport is provided to training sessions, meetings and inspections. You will be given a hoodie and a T-shirt.

To get involved, email