Lincolnshire leaving care and looked after children finance handbook 2022 to 2023

Young parents and pregnant women

a) 16- and 17-year-olds

Personal allowance
The leaving care service has a duty to provide for the maintenance of young people who are eligible or relevant.

Once the baby is born, the young person may be able to claim benefits if they are a lone parent. This means that they must be living with, and responsible for, their baby, and not living with a partner. There may be other entitlements, and these should be explored with the young person and the leaving care worker should support them to access support via the DWP. The leaving care service is able to award an extra £500 in new homes grant, per child, to support our young parents setting up home with their child.  This £500 is addition to the maternity grant. This funding is to be used for items in the home for the child or children above the age of one. For example, stair gates, toddler bed, highchair or locks for cupboards. This is not for milk, clothes, nappies, everyday needs.

b) 18 years and older

Income support
From 11 weeks before the baby is born, the pregnant young person may be able to claim benefits if they are a lone parent. If they are working, or have a partner who is working, these earnings will affect the claim, and they may be eligible for maternity pay or maternity allowance instead. Please seek advice from the benefits adviser regarding other benefits entitlement.