Local scheme conditions of service

Health and safety

General statement of health and safety policy

We recognise that good health and safety management supports the delivery of our services.

We are committed to providing and maintaining a healthy and safe working environment for all our employees.  We ensure that their work does not adversely affect the health and safety of other people such as service users, visitors and contractors.

To achieve this aim, we have the following key objectives:

  • as a minimum, to comply with requirements of relevant legislation
  • to identify hazards (the potential for harm), assess risks (the likelihood of that harm being realised) and manage those risks
  • to ensure that employees (and others as appropriate) are adequately informed of the identified risks.  Where appropriate, they will receive instruction, training and supervision
  • to consult with employees’ representatives on health and safety matters
  • to provide and maintain safe and healthy premises and work equipment
  • to ensure that employees are competent to do their tasks.  We will provide training where necessary
  • to ensure that contractors are competent to manage the health and safety aspects of their work
  • to maintain appropriate health and safety management systems and arrangements
  • to monitor and review the effectiveness of the safety management systems and arrangements.  Where appropriate, we will implement improvements

Protective clothing

We will provide and maintain protective clothing where it is necessary to comply with health and safety legislation.  For more details, read our health and safety hazards guidance.

Lone worker devices

As part of a lone worker risk assessment, employees may be issued with a lone worker device. The device is worn by the employee and can:

  • monitor the employee's location
  • record and monitor confrontational situation
  • raise the alarm in the event of an emergency

See our working alone guidance.

The devices use GPS and the employee's location can be tracked. This is not the primary purpose of the device and routine monitoring of employees will not take place.  Only in certain circumstances may this information be accessed, for example, as part of a complaint or disciplinary investigation. 

Medical clearance

All appointments are subject to us being satisfied that the employee is medically suitable for the job offered.

First aiders

The number of trained first aiders or emergency first aiders will be assessed by the manager of the work location.  This will be in accordance with our guidelines.  Appropriate training and regular updating will be provided.

An annual allowance will be paid to designated first aiders.  For further details, see the allowances and payments section.

Where there is a requirement of the post to hold a first aid qualification, this allowance does not apply.  The evaluation of the post already includes these duties.