Lincolnshire Archives


Become a part of Lincolnshire’s history

If you have archives relating to Lincolnshire and would like them to be preserved for future generations in a safe and accessible way, then consider donating them to us. 

We welcome records of the following:

  • Lincolnshire organisations, such as businesses, societies, charities, schools and churches
  • Lincolnshire families and individuals 
  • local authorities
  • public bodies (including hospitals, magistrates’ courts, and coroners)

We especially welcome records from groups which are under-represented in our collections (such as records of minority ethnic or marginalised groups).

We do not usually accept printed material, duplicates, documents with no connection to Lincolnshire, family trees, research notes, objects and films. However, we may be able to suggest a suitable repository for such items.

Please note each page in the donations portal times out after 20 minutes of inactivity.

Offer a donation of items

We will not accept any material that:

  • does not have a Lincolnshire connection
  • has not been agreed by a collections officer in advance
  • arrives via unsolicited post