Holiday Activities and Food Programme

Standards for providers

Lincolnshire County Council wants to encourage all HAF providers to ensure a high quality experience for children and their families.

Aims of the programme

There are many benefits for children who attend the HAF programme. A high quality experience can provide children with:

  • receiving healthy and nutritious meals
  • maintaining a healthy level of physical activity
  • being happy, having fun and meeting new friends
  • developing a greater understanding of food, nutrition and other health-related issues
  • taking part in fun and engaging activities that support their development
  • feeling safe and secure
  • getting access to the right support services
  • returning to school feeling engaged and ready to learn

Families can also benefit, when HAF providers include their needs in planning and delivering their programme. This could be through:

  • providing opportunities to get involved in cookery classes
  • ensuring they are signposted towards other sources of information and support, such as health services or employment and education opportunities

HAF programme standards

The government sets out the standards expected of providers here. Providers are expected to read the full guidance.

HAF contact

If you have a question about the HAF programme, you can contact us on our email address.

HAF newsletter

Sign up to our Holiday Activities and Food Programme newsletter.
