Parent links for Ask Sall

Parent links

ESCO Drop in appointment

These are an opportunity for parents (and professionals can support them) to have a call back from an ESCO key worker for a one hour session to discuss services and support available.
To book, call 01522 782111 or visit the website.


Liaise is a free, confidential, and impartial Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information and Support Service for Lincolnshire. They offer information and advice about SEN and Disabilities to parents, young people and children (0 to 25 years).
Who to contact
Telephone 0800 195 1635
or complete the contact form


Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum (LPCF)

LPCF collect, collate and represent the views of parent carers from a variety of sources and use the information and ensure these are fed back to service providers with a view to improve the quality, range and accessibility of services.

Referral forms

Community paediatrics


Speech and language therapy


EHA forms