We normally pay suppliers within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. This does not apply when an invoice is in dispute.
Reasons for a delay in payment
Significant delays to your payment can happen if:
- an invoice has been submitted without a purchase order
- a valid purchase order number has not been quoted on your invoice
We will have to find out who ordered the goods or services and confirm we have received them.
Do not dispatch goods or proceed with any work for us without a valid purchase order number.
Delays to payment can also happen if the member of staff you are supplying:
- has not confirmed receipt of the goods or services
- has not approved the payment
If you are waiting for payment:
- contact the member of staff who made the initial request
- or, email suppliers@lincolnshire.gov.uk
Credit notes and statements
- Credit notes should be sent to invoices@lincolnshire.gov.uk
- Statements must be sent to statements@lincolnshire.gov.uk
Alternatively, hard copies can be posted to:
Lincolnshire County Council
County Offices