Engagement policy

Introduction and scope

Community engagement is a positive thing to do, but it can be a complex discipline that encompasses a range of methods, one of which is consultation. This policy covers all forms of community engagement across all service areas and geographical parts of the county. The policy will help officers to understand:

  • what we mean by engagement and all that it encompasses
  • the type of engagement that will best suit their needs
  • when and if community engagement is required
  • the difference between consultation and engagement
  • why the support of the engagement team (ET) is important
  • what we expect in terms of quality and standards when engaging with communities

This policy cannot provide legal advice or definitive answers to all questions relating to engagement and consultation.  However, it provides clarity on the type of support and advice available to all staff wishing to undertake such activity.

The ET must approve engagement undertaken in any area of the council before it can be progressed and made public.