Support for childcare providers

Sufficiency of childcare within Lincolnshire

The Childcare Act (2006) places a duty on Local Authorities to take reasonable steps to secure sufficient childcare, so far as is reasonably practicable, for working parents, or parents who are studying or training for employment. This applies to children aged 0-14 (or up to 18 for disabled children). 

This is set out within the early years and childcare statutory guidance for local authorities.

We monitor the marketplace to ensure there is sufficient, accessible and affordable provision available to support families. We also support providers to offer additional places where demand is identified. We review the position on an ongoing basis.

We endeavour to take reasonable steps to work with all stakeholders, to secure provision to meet the needs of local families.

It is important to support business expansions, relocations and new provision where needed. As well as encourage providers to take a sustainable business approach to place planning. This includes signposting providers to external resources to support them with future sustainability.

To discuss your new development or business expansion, please contact the early years and childcare team and request support, advice and guidance.

Request support

View our sufficiency report for Lincolnshire 2024, and the parental childcare survey engagement report.

Contact the early years and childcare team

Telephone: 01522 552752