Going to school in Lincolnshire guide

Home address

Child's home address

You should apply from the address where your child lives for the majority of school term time. Children of UK service personnel and other crown servants have slightly different rules. They can use an address in advance of a move in some cases.

The school's admissions policy provides a definition of ‘home address’. This differs from school to school. You must look at this carefully if you have non-traditional living arrangements. If you need any advice, please contact us or the school.

We have a duty to prevent fraudulent applications and will always look at an address closely. This is one of the biggest factors in deciding which school is allocated. We will not accept a new address claim if it is not received by the deadline for receiving applications.

Moving address

You must inform us if you have submitted an application and your child moves address. We can only take into consideration a new address if:

  • your child will be living there by 12 noon on:
    • 9 February 2024 for a primary school application
    • 14 December 2023 for a secondary school application
  • you have notified us that you moved before the deadline
  • we have received the appropriate proof of residency

If you are new to Lincolnshire, or want to change preferred schools, you must do this by the appropriate deadlineAny applications or changes to preferences received after this deadline will be processed at a later date.

If your child moves after this deadline, but before national offer day, we will use your new address initially for correspondence purposes only. Once the offer day has passed and we have received appropriate proof, we will update your child's residence address.

We will not take into consideration an intention to move except for armed forces personnel. Please contact us to discuss what information is required.