Going to school in Lincolnshire guide

Transferring schools

In-year applications

If you want to move your child to another school, you must submit an in-year application. In-year applications can be made online, or you can request a paper application by contacting us. You can apply for any school in Lincolnshire on this form except the University Technical College (UTC). To apply for a place at UTC, you must contact UTC directly.

Schools typically only hold places six school weeks in advance of a place being required.

Read more information on how to apply to move school.

For primary schools, if your current school is further than five miles from your home address, we will find a school place if none of your preferred schools can offer one. 

For secondary schools, we will find a school place if none of your preferred schools can offer a place if your current school:

  • is further than 10 miles from your home address
  • is not one of the three closest schools to your home address (excluding grammar schools)
  • was not allocated in the main admissions round as the closest school to home and is within 15 miles of your home address

Where we find a school place for you, it will be the closest school to the home address with spaces available. We use the fair access protocol if no school can offer a place.

Headteachers must not ask a pupil to find a new school to avoid permanent exclusion. If this is the reason for your in-year application, email midyearadmissions@lincolnshire.gov.uk or phone 01522 782030.