Short breaks services

Our duty

Since 1 April 2011, local authorities must provide short breaks for children and young people who are eligible. This is called the short breaks duty. 

The following legislation is also in place to protect and support children, young people and their families:

  • the Children & Young Person’s Act 2008 
  • the Short Break Regulations 2011 - paragraph 6 of Schedule 2 to the Children Act 1989 - all local authorities are required to publish a short break duty services statement from 1st October 2011 and undertake an annual review. 
  • the Equality Act 2010 
  • SEND Reforms 2014 
  • Children’s & Families Act 2014
  • Care Act 2014 short breaks are designed to support families so that they do not reach crisis point. 

We will check this short breaks statement annually to make sure it is up to date and relevant to the local needs of children and young people and their families.