Grievance policy and procedure


Enabling individuals and the organisation to operate effectively is a priority. 

Managers and employees should raise and deal with issues in a prompt manner. We will undertake any investigations to understand the concerns and issues raised.

Employees will provide full details of the nature of their concerns, including:  

  • dates and times of relevant events  
  • names of any witnesses 
  • action taken to resolve issues 

We will inform the subject of the issue where a grievance is concerned with a:  

  • colleague 
  • manager 
  • another person  

It is essential to ensure that all parties have the opportunity to state their case. They must provide their evidence of the facts under investigation.  

We will take steps to protect and support all parties during the process. Any acts of victimisation will result in disciplinary action taken against the perpetrator 

We recognise that work relationships can break down. We are committed to supporting all parties in an attempt to restore relationships. 

We require employees to identify the outcome(s) that they are seeking. This will help reach a resolution 

One or more employees may raise grievances. The group may choose to select one or more from the group to represent them.

An employee may raise a grievance for one or more issues or employees.

If employees wish to raise concerns about malpractice at work, they can refer to the whistleblowing policy.

The grievance procedure is not for use where a specific appeal provision exists, such as: 

  • in respect of disciplinary 
  • flexible retirement or working  
  • and job evaluation or grading decisions 

We will deal with grievances raised by employees against elected members as set out in the Constitution. In particular, the protocols on:  

  • elected member and officer relations  
  • harassment, intimidation and unacceptable behaviour 

Managers will decide whether meetings should be held in person or virtually or as a hybrid of both.