A16 Levelling Up Fund improvements

A16/B1180 Pinchbeck Roundabout Improvements

The Pinchbeck Roundabout ‘Levelling Up’ improvement project in Spalding will include:

  • making the roundabout bigger with the junction widened to provide two wider lanes within the roundabout
  • lengthening the two lane approaches and exits on the A16
  • installing new drainage system, road surfacing, signage and street lighting columns

Aims and benefits

  • reduce congestion and improve journey times on the A16
  • create more capacity on A16 for agri-food sector delivery vehicles
  • future-proof Pinchbeck Roundabout for future A16 upgrades

Cost and funding

The estimated cost is £6.6m, which will be funded by a portion of the £20m in ‘Levelling Up’ funding awarded to the county council in October 2021.


*All future dates are projected and subject to change dependent on external factors.