Apply for a school

Before you apply

If you currently live outside of Lincolnshire then you must submit your school application through your home local authority where your child currently lives, regardless of where the schools are that you want to apply to.

Parents and carers must apply for their child to start:

  • primary or infant school (reception year)
  • Year 3 at junior school
  • Year 7 at secondary school

If you want to apply for your child to start Year 10 at Lincoln University Technical College, you must do this directly on the Lincoln University Technical College website.

This application should only be used for the above reasons.

If your child needs to move schools at another point during the year, you will need to apply to move schools, which is a separate process.

You can use our school directory to learn more about a school.

School transport

You should check if your child is eligible for free or post-16 school transport before applying, as this might influence which schools you choose to apply for.

Applying to primary or junior schools

You should apply for your child to start primary or infant school if they:

  • were born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021
  • are in year 2 at an infant school and need a place in year 3 at a junior or primary school
  • are in year 2 at a primary school and require a place in year 3 at a junior school

Primary schools are for children aged 4 to 11 years old. Infant schools are for children aged 4 to 7 years old.

Junior schools are for children aged 7 to 11 years old.

Children can start school at any time until they reach the compulsory school age, which is the term after the child turns 5.

You can request to delay your child’s start date until later in the academic year but not after they reach the compulsory school age.

You can also request that your child takes up their school place part-time until they reach the compulsory school age.

You can learn more about delaying starting school in our going to school in Lincolnshire guide, which also includes further general information on applying for a primary or junior school place.

You should apply for your child to start junior school if they:

  • are in year 2 at an infant school
  • are in year 2 at a primary school and want a place in year 3 at a junior school

If your child is in year 2 at an infant school and you want to apply for them to start in year 3 at a primary school, you can apply after the national offer day by calling us on 01522 782030.

Application dates

Key dates Details
15 November 2024 Admissions open
15 January 2025 Admissions close (national closing date)
10 February 2025 Lincolnshire final closing date for late applications and changes (your application may not be accepted if you apply to schools outside of Lincolnshire).
17 April 2025 Admissions reopen for late applications or changes
19 May 2025 Admissions close
after 2 June 2025 Main allocation process ends and all further applications are dealt with on at least a weekly basis

When you apply:

  • you can select up to three schools, which you should put in order of your preference
  • it is recommended to check if your child is eligible for free school transport before you apply, as this might determine which schools you choose to apply for
  • you must use the address where your child is currently living, and not a future address or relative’s address. If you move address after you have made your application you must let us know. If you don’t currently live in Lincolnshire, you must apply through your home local authority
  • you can amend your application at any time before the final closing date. If you miss the first closing date, you must wait until admission reopens. Please note this might not apply if you apply to a school outside of Lincolnshire. If this is the case, please check with the relevant authority for the school
  • if your child needs a school place in a different year group or wants to move schools at another point during the year, you will need to apply to move schools

Make or amend a school application

If you have applied online and still need to submit your application, you can make any changes to your online application by logging back into your Parent Portal account.

If you have already submitted your application, please email with the changes you wish to make.

If you want to make changes after receiving an offer of a school place, please refer to the guidance in your offer letter on how to make a revised application.

Applying to secondary schools

You should apply for your child to start secondary school when they are in year 6.

Lincoln University Technical College (UTC) admits children from year 10. If your child is in year 9 and you want to apply for a place at this school, you should contact UTC.

In our going to school in Lincolnshire guide, you can find out more information about applying for a secondary school place and what to do if your child is educated in a year group outside their age group.

It is recommended to check if your child is eligible for free or post-16 school transport before you apply, as this might determine which schools you choose to apply for.

Application dates

Key dates Details
6 September 2024 Admissions open
31 October 2024 Admissions close (national closing date)
13 December 2024 Lincolnshire final closing date for late applications and changes (your application may not be accepted if you apply to schools outside of Lincolnshire)
3 March 2025 Admissions reopen for late applications and changes
24 March 2025 Admissions close
after 7 April 2025 Main allocation process ends and all further applications are dealt with on at least a weekly basis

When you apply:

  • you can select up to three schools, which you should put in order of your preference
  • it is recommended to check if your child is eligible for free or post-16 school transport before you apply, as this might determine which schools you choose to apply for
  • you must use the address where your child is currently living, and not a future address or relative’s address. If you move address after you have made your application you must let us know. If you don’t currently live in Lincolnshire, you must apply through your home local authority
  • you can amend your application at any time before the final closing date. If you miss the first closing date, you will have to wait until admission reopens again. Please note this might not apply if you apply to a school outside of Lincolnshire. If this is the case, please check with the relevant authority for the school
  • if your child needs a school place in a different year group or wants to move schools at another point during the year, you will need to apply to move schools

Make or amend a school application

If you have applied online and still need to submit your application, you can make any changes to your online application by logging back into your Parent Portal account.

If you have already submitted your application, please email with the changes you wish to make.

If you want to make changes after receiving an offer of a school place, please refer to the guidance in your offer letter on how to make a revised application.

SEND school places

Most children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) will have their needs met at a mainstream school or college.

If your child has an education, health and care (EHC) plan

You can only apply for a place at a special school if your child has an education, health and care (EHC) plan.

If you believe that your child needs a special school and you have an EHC plan, please contact their SEND caseworker to discuss this.

If your child does not have an EHC plan

If your child does not have an EHC plan, you should apply for a school following the usual route.

Your child will require an EHC needs assessment if they do not have an EHC plan. This will confirm their level of special educational need and determine whether they require specialist provision.

If an assessment has begun, you must apply online with your chosen school or college. By week 16 of the process, we will decide whether an EHC plan will be made. By week 20 of the process, you will receive the finalised EHC plan.

If a draft EHC plan is issued, we will contact you to discuss your chosen schools. You can then ask them to consider a place at a special school.

If you need further advice on SEND school places, contact Liaise or call them on 0800 195 1635. If your child has EHC plan, please contact your caseworker.

Service personnel and crown servants

You can apply for a school place in advance of a forces move. If you have a posting order, your new address can be used, or a unit address if you prefer

You can apply within the usual deadline for reception, year 3 or year 7. At any other time, you can apply six weeks in advance.

Primary or junior school applications dates

Admission opens on 15 November 2024 and closes on 15 January 2025, the national closing date.

Lincolnshire has a final closing date of 10 February 2025 for late applications and changes, but your application may not be accepted if you apply to schools outside of Lincolnshire. Therefore, we recommend that you apply by the national deadline on 15 January 2025.

If you do not get your application in by the final closing day of 10 February 2025, or you want to change your application after this date, you will have to wait until admission reopens on 17 April 2025. It will then close again on 19 May 2025. For paper or telephone applications, it will reopen on 20 May 2025.

Secondary school application dates

Admission opens on 6 September 2024 and closes on 31 October 2024, the same as for all other school applications.

The national closing date is 31 October 2024. Lincolnshire has a final closing date of 13 December 2024 for late applications and changes, but your application may not be accepted if you apply to schools outside of Lincolnshire. Therefore, we recommend that you apply by the national deadline of 31 October 2024.

If you do not get your application in by the final closing date of 13 December 2024, or you want to change your application after this date, you will have to wait until admission re-opens on 3 March 2025. It will then close again on 24 March 2025.

You must send proof of your posting when making your application if a future address is being used on your application.

If you have been posted, we will ask the schools you apply for if they wish to offer you a place, even if they are full. You can apply using a unit postal address, forces address or private address.

If no school can offer a place, we will find you the closest one to your new address with a space if you have sent a posting order.

For further advice, please email

Make or amend a school application

Foreign nationals

Foreign national children residing in the UK normally have the right to attend schools in England which are:

  • state-funded
  • independent

To lawfully enter the country to access a school, foreign national children residing outside the UK will typically need either:

  • right of abode
  • an immigration status which otherwise permits them to enter the UK to study at a school.

Checking eligibility for a school place

Parents of foreign national children are responsible for checking that their children have a right to study at a school under the UK entry conditions. They should do this before applying for a place.

It is not the role of state-funded schools or local authorities to ask for proof of eligibility before offering a place.

If foreign nationals outside the UK want to enter the UK to study at an independent school with a licensed student sponsor, they should contact the school directly. If it accepts the application, it will send them a reference number called a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS). Parents will need a CAS before applying for their child’s visa. They cannot enter to study at schools which are not licensed student sponsors.

Parents can find more information on - visas and immigration.

Make or amend a school application

Out of cohort admissions

You may request that your child is moved to a year group outside their normal age group if:

  • your child is gifted and talented
  • your child has experienced problems, such as ill health
  • your child is currently educated in a different year group than their chronological age
  • your child is summer born and you intend to start school when they are statutory school age

This is called an out of cohort admission.

The school admission authority decides which year group a child should be admitted to. Their decision is based on the individual circumstances of the case and the best interests of the child. For more information, see our school year groups page.

Make an out of cohort admissions enquiry

School offers

If you complete an on-time application online, you will be emailed your offer on national offer day.

If you complete your application over the phone or via a paper form, we will post your offer on national offer day, which means you will receive your offer a few days later. We are unable to give offer details over the phone.

If we receive your application during the initial admission opening dates, we will release offers on the following dates:

  • primary schools: 16 April 2025
  • secondary schools: 3 March 2025

If we receive your application during the admission reopening dates, we will process it after the following dates:

  • primary schools: 26 May 2025
  • secondary schools: 31 March 2025

You will then receive your offer in the post. If you apply after these dates, offers will be sent out weekly.

Next steps

We automatically assume that you will accept your offer. You do not need to contact us to confirm this.

If you are unhappy with your offer, you can either:

We will not remove your offer until another school place is confirmed. Not having an offer or having an offer does not impact the chances of getting a place at an appeal.

Make a revised application

Making a revised application should only be done if:

  • you want to change your school preferences.
  • you have moved house.

We advise that you do not decline your school offer because you might not get a place at your revised choices.

You can only revise your application through this process after the national offer date. If you wish to change your application after the online system has closed but before the offer day, please email

The online form for making a revised application for starting primary or junior school, year 3 or year 7, opens on 3 March 2025.

Deadlines and offers

You should submit your revised choices for secondary schools by 12 noon on 24 March 2025. We will then send you the outcome of your application by the end of the week commencing 31 March 2025.

You should submit your revised choices for primary, infant or junior schools by 12 noon on 19 May 2025. We will then send you the outcome of your application by the end of the week commencing 26 May 2025.

You can submit a revised application after these dates if you wish, up until the end of August. We will respond within 10 working days.

Your original offer will be automatically withdrawn if we can make an offer at one of your revised choices.

If you wish to remain on the reserve list for any of your preferred schools, you must name these schools on your revised application.