Liaise SEN support in early years settings

Preparing for and starting school

The support provided at school may not be the same as your child was receiving at pre-school. However, it should still be appropriate to support your child’s needs, and discussion may be needed before your child starts attending.

Whether or not your child has been attending an early years setting, it will be important to give all the relevant information about your child’s physical and special educational needs to their new school before they start. This may be in the form of reports and other paperwork and will help the school to plan and ensure the support is in place. You may be offered or want to request a transition meeting to discuss this with them.

Most children with SEN have needs that can be met through quality first teaching and reasonable adjustments using the resources that are already or ordinarily available in their mainstream school




Liaise has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information contained in this leaflet is accurate and up to date at the time of publication. It does not constitute legal advice and Liaise cannot accept any responsibility for any loss or damage suffered as a consequence of any reliance placed upon it.

Liaise SEND information advice and support service in Lincolnshire

Contact Liaise

If you are a parent, young person or carer, either ring the phone number, or fill in the contact form. If you are a professional making a referral on behalf of a parent, carer or young person, please complete the form, ensuring you have parental consent to do so.

Telephone: 0800 195 1635

Opening hours

Advice line open 9am-4pm Monday to Friday. We aim to contact you within two working days

How we can support you