Lincolnshire Young Voices

Lincolnshire Young Voices is an award-winning multi-disability participation group of volunteers that helps improve the lives of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND). 

We are funded by Lincolnshire County Council and supported by Lincolnshire NHS. Broadly, our aims are to improve services and raise awareness of SEND in the wider community. 

Our friendly and supportive young volunteers have lived experience of disability and are dedicated to making positive change. We are looking for new volunteers under 25. If you know someone or you want to find out more, please use the contact form.

We meet every other month though communicate regularly. We understand that to inspire change we need to network and partner other organisations.

Our current work

Our service plan echoes our mantra of; 'together, our voices make a difference'. We are determined to help the people of Lincolnshire know what LYV do and how they can get involved.

Our priorities on Bullying and Transport are closing. Lincolnshire Young Voices:

  • researched and developed resources based on student interviews and wider research. Resources have a SEND focus and are still available to download on the Family Services Directory (click the button below)
  • delivered 16 anti-bullying sessions in 7 settings across Lincolnshire to over 170 students
  • workshop feedback was positive with sessions being both informative and interactive
  • Accessible Transport Survey last summer had over 600 completions
  • held meetings with Lincolnshire County Council Transport managers and bus operators and shared the survey findings at Highways and Transport Scrutiny 27 January (at 9 mins 30)

Bullying in schools resources  (See right hand side of linked page for downloads)

Have your say

New priorities will be agreed and shared in due course. If you have something you want us to consider, please get in touch.

Award winning training

In 2022, with the backing of the Council For Disabled Children and funding from NHS England, Lincolnshire Young Voices developed a training package which won the National Association for Special Educational Award (NASEN) co-production category for working in partnership and producing a short, inspiring resource for professionals around communication with the help of Badshoes Films. 

‘A Rough Guide To Not Putting Your Foot In It: communicating with whildren and young people with SEND’ uses the voices of the disabled community and national best practice to improve knowledge and confidence for everyone including professionals working or coming into contact with children, young people and adults with SEND.

This training is freely available once registering with Safeguarding Lincolnshire (If your organisation is not listed use – ‘private organisations’.


Lincolnshire Young Voices

Contact Lincolnshire Young Voices

If you are aged 14 to 25 (or know someone) with SEND who might be interested in joining our group and making their mark

Image of a child looking through their painted hands

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