Identifying and supporting SEND

Starting school or college

Your child's teacher will use different teaching styles and lesson materials to help them. 

They will check the development of all pupils regularly. These checks can identify pupils where: 

  • their learning is slower than other classmates 
  • they fail to match or better their previous rate of development 
  • they fail to close the gap in attainment with their classmates 
  • the gap between them and their classmates widens 

Your child's school or preschool will call or write to you to discuss extra support if they feel it is needed.

SEN support can include: 

Under 5 years

  • a written development check when your child is two years old 
  • a health visitor carrying out a check for your child aged 2 to 3 
  • a written assessment in the summer term of your child's first year of primary school 
  • making reasonable adjustments for disabled children, like providing aids like tactile signs 

Nurseries, playgroups and childminders registered with Ofsted follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. It makes sure that there is support in place for children with SEND. 

If you think your child has SEND, talk to a doctor or health adviser. They will not go into a nursery, playgroup or childminder, but will give you other support options. 

Between 5 and 15 years

Talk to the teacher or the SENDCo if you think your child needs: 

  • a special learning programme 
  • extra help from a teacher or assistant, including help from a specialist teacher
  • to work in a smaller group 
  • help to take part in-class activities 
  • extra encouragement in their learning 
  • help to communicate with other children 
  • referral to other organisations for support 
  • support with physical or personal care difficulties. For example, eating, getting around school safely or using the toilet 

Young people aged 16 or over in further education 

Contact the college before your child starts to make sure they can meet your child's needs. 

The college and your local authority will talk to your child about the support they need.