Identifying and supporting SEND

Annual review

We will review your EHC plan at least once a year. It is known as an annual review. 

After the review, we may make changes to the plan, end it or leave it unchanged. Sometimes, it may be necessary to hold an early review.

You can ask for an early annual review if you believe:

  • your child's education, health or social care needs have changed and are no longer accurately described in the EHC plan, or 
  • the provision in the EHC plan no longer meets your child's needs. 

 An annual review gives you the opportunity to:

  • change things that are not working as expected
  • update aspirations   
  • review whether the desired results are still relevant  
  • include new concerns or needs
  • review a personal budget, if there is one. If there isn't, you can request one

The duty is on us to review the plan, but the educational setting usually organises the meeting. 

If your child is in year 9 or above, the annual review should look at preparing for adulthood and the transition pathway.

An EHC plan can stop at any agreed time. It is usually when your child or young person:

  • has their needs met, or
  • leaves an education or a training setting